Reablement Care

Palliative care is the support given to you or your loved ones in the later stages of a life limiting condition, so that they can live as well as possible until their end of time.

We at Marigold Home Care have worked closely with the local community nursing teams and the NHS to provide end of life care. Our care professions are fully trained to meet the physical and emotional needs of you and your loved ones during this stage of palliative care.

We understand it can be distressing to see how a terminal illness is affecting a loved one, this is why are determined to provide specialist palliative care support so your family can make the most of the time together.

Palliative care at home allows your loved one to be comfortable, surrounded by loved ones, and happy memories. We provide a full range of services for palliative care that follows the national palliative care guidelines, the support we provide covers the following.

  • Personal care - support with bathing, dressing, oral care, toileting support, dressing into day and night clothing,
  • Continence care - changing continence pads or managing catether, or stoma
  • Administering medication - support with administering complex medication 
  • Pain management - Ensuring pain is managed with skilled professionalism and dignity no matter the task that is being compeleted.
  • Assistance with moving around the home and transfers with specialist equipment such as standing hoists and celing hoists.
  • Preparing meals to your tastes, and washing up afterwards including nutritional and hydrational support for health conditions i.e special diets
  • Companionship and supporting your independent living at home
  • Assisted living through housekeeping duties such as vacuuming, dusting, changing beds or doing the laundry
  • Caring for your pet including feeding and walking
  • Bespoke anything elsle that would make your life more comfortable and safe.

We will support you to stay at home comfortably and in dignity for as long as possible with your loved ones around you to the very end.

Stay connected, Stay home

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to to reach out to us - we’d love to talk to you!
